The Buchanan Society
The Buchanan Society

Clan Country

Loch Lomond in Buchanan Country

Buchanan Clan country is to the south and east of Loch Lomond in Scotland.


The drawings below illustrate places that can be seen today that have links with the Buchanan Clan in times past.  The places are also highlighted on the map below.


  • 1  Isle of Clairinch
  • 2  Buchanan Church
  • 3  Ruins of Buchanan Castle
  • 4  The Buchanan Monument

Drawings by Peter Buchanan of Newcastle

The map below shows the area around Loch Lomond.  Clan Buchanan country, as it would have been, is shown in yellow.

Contact by post:

The Buchanan Society

c/o Mr. Ian D. Buchanan

The Secretary

14 Farndale

East Kilbride

G74 4QS



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Or contact the secretary by telephone:


  +44 (0)1355 243437


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