The Buchanan Society
The Buchanan Society

Charitable Grants

The main objects of the Society are to (1) to provide financial assistance to those of the Clan and the Septs recognised by the Society who are in need, and (2) to further the education of members of the Clan and Septs who show promise.


Those in the Clan and the recognised Septs that receive assistance from the Society do not have to be members of the Society.


Hardship Grants

The Society can provide financial assistance to those of the Clan and Septs who are in financial hardship.  Details are required in support of an application as detailed in the application form.


Educational Grants

The Society recognises the importance of giving judicious assistance in education and vocational training.

The Society will consider giving an Educational Grant when the applicant is suffering financial hardship.

To qualify for a Grant, university and college students need to confirm that they have been accepted for a course and will require to give an update on progress in their course during each of the years that a Grant is given.  Those seeking a Grant while on an apprenticeship, or to help buy equipment for a vocational course, will require to provide details of the apprenticeship or the course they are following.

Educational grant applications are normally considered at the Directors' meetings in February, June and October.  An applicant for an Educational Grant should have a completed application form in to the Society by the end of the previous month so that it can be processed in time for the appropriate Directors' meeting, but if an applicant receives confirmation that he or she has been awarded a place in a tertiary education course less than a month before a meeting of Directors he or she should immediately lodge his or her application with the Society.


Applying for a Grant

If you intend applying for a grant from the Society please read the Society's privacy policy and you should note the following:

  1. Applicants must bear the name of Buchanan or the name of one of the following Septs or branches of the Clan, namely: MacWattie, MacAuslan (any of the spellings) and Risk.
  2. Applicants must lodge their applications on the 'Form of Application for a Grant'.  (See below)
  3. A person who is applying for a grant but is living outside the United Kingdom will have to make their application through a recognised government agency or charity in their country of residence.
  4. The Directors for the time being have the sole right of selecting the recipients, and shall be the sole judge of the mode of administering the aid.
  5. The Directors may, at any time they think proper, increase, lessen, or entirely withdraw the aid given to the recipient.
  6. Grants may be in the form of one-off payments or instalments.  No Grant will continue for more than three years although, following a review, a new Grant may be awarded after this time.
  7. The Directors may add to or alter the foregoing Rules and Regulations.
  8. If you are completing the application form on behalf of the applicant please complete Section 8 of the form.
Grant Application Form
Grant Application Form (new December 202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [383.0 KB]

Contact by post:

The Buchanan Society

c/o Mr. Ian D. Buchanan

The Secretary

14 Farndale

East Kilbride

G74 4QS



Contact us today!

If you have any queries, please use our contact form.


Or contact the secretary by telephone:


  +44 (0)1355 243437


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