Founded as "THE BUCHANAN'S CHARITY, kept in Glasgow" in 1725.
Registered Charity No: Sco 13679
Membership of The Buchanan Society is open to those who bear by birth, adoption or marriage the surname Buchanan and also those of the recognised septs:
MacAuslan (all spellings), MacWattie and Risk.
You may become a Kindred Member of the Society if your mother's maiden name is or was Buchanan, MacAuslan (all spellings), MacWattie or Risk.
As the world's oldest clan society, we receive no government funding and your support, by becoming a life member of the Society, enables us to help our less fortunate brethren with hardship and educational grants. Monetary donations are also very much appreciated by the Society to support its charitable work.
Although application for a hardship or an educational grant is restricted to those with the surname Buchanan, MacAuslan (all spellings), MacWattie or Risk, applicants do not have to be a member of The Buchanan Society.